So many of us…

As an avid fan of Dan Savage, I happened to be listening to this and felt the need to repost it here, as it is … well… shit; It may as well be my story with a couple notable variances. It seems Law School destroying people’s lives is a common theme. Take a listen.

Excerpt from Savage Love Podcast; Episode 479; 12/29/2015 —   (Dan Savage is a relatively raunchy ‘Dear Abby’ who is spot on a good 90% of the time… the other 10% I end up yelling at the radio in my car while listening; but 90% is still a damn good average)

Reminds me a lot of the “Humans of New York” attorney… (link 1 / link 2)

3 thoughts on “So many of us…”

  1. This is sad, but necessary. You can hear the man break down a little after the host begins his response. We need more law school “losers” to tell their stories on the air this way, preferably on the major programs. With so many radio talk shows, you would think this would be a more common occurrence. Especially, with conservatives’ distrust of the perceived liberal professoriate.

  2. Hi there, Azrael! I found your blog a while back, and I shared it with other blogs (i.e. Third Tier Reality, Outside the Law School Scam). I always enjoy reading your blog, and I always look forward to updates!

    1. I appreciate the sentiments! I also apologize for not updating recently. I have quite a few new posts, but I am not sure when I should start posting them. It has been weird the last couple months and I have some excellent stories.

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