Interview 53: The best in a long time

Got an email asking me to come in for an interview for a municipal position. Notably, same municipality as Interview 38 and 49. Anyway, I had finally come to the realization how this office operated. You could apply to any position, but whatever position you applied for had little to no bearing upon what they would actually bring you in to interview for. This led to such weird interviews as my prior one… because the interviewer never mentioned that they were interviewing me for a job I had never applied to…

I had figured this out in advance of the interview however because after that last interview, I had mostly stopped applying to positions with them. The last position I had applied to was many months prior… so they were either about 6 months behind on interviewing, or they were just using a resume bank to pull in applicants regardless of the actual application process. This was pretty much verified when I was contacted prior to the interview and asked for a current resume.

To the credit of the interviewer, they sort of embarrassedly starting trying to explain the above before I stopped them and told them this wasn’t my first rodeo with their office and I understood, and then asked them what position I was there to interview for. It was suddenly like a weight was lifted off the interviewer and they relaxed quite a bit. Without going too far into details, it was one of the more fun interviews I’ve had recently. We were honestly laughing and joking around quite a bit. I had enough of a background with their work that I understood a fair bit of the crazy that came along with it.

At the end of the interview I asked a question as we were all headed towards the door. I said, how many other applicants are you interviewing for this position. The section chief sorta got quiet and then said, “uhm.. well… you’re it.” They then added whether you view that as a positive or negative is up to you. Which just sparked more laughter and I said, well I will take it as a positive until proven otherwise.

At the end of the day… I think I’ll take this job if they do end up getting the offer over to me. There is a big… BIG… positive about working with people like this that you can laugh and get along easily with.

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