
Generally unrelated to much of anything, but I thought I would share an odd story. I’ve mentioned that the people who work too long in doc reviewer positions are a bit strange. The really weird ones can’t find substantive work and end up working permanently in doc review. Anyway, early on I was working on a several month long project and as you tend to do, you start talking to the people sitting around you. A bit over a month into the project I asked about the camera one of my coworkers always had with him; a little point and shoot digital camera. I enjoy photography and I have spent way too much disposable income on cameras and equipment over the years, so cameras always catch my attention; plus I usually carry a point and shoot everywhere too. So it turns out he also enjoys photography and we got to talking about cameras, photos. and whatnot etc etc. (For a mental image, this guy was about 65+ and he was working on the project with his wife).

Anyway, at some point he asks if I’d like to see some of his photos. So of course I said, sure. I’m sure some readers are already seeing where this is headed… anyway he sends me a link to his private Flickr album. The first couple were nice, seemed to be a bit obsessed with trying to photograph things in shadows, but whatever. Round about photo #6 things were not in shadow… no, they would more likely be described as full frontal. Of the coworker.

I never brought up his camera again. But I did have to continue sitting across from him for the next 3 months. Lesson learned, and a bit creeped out.

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